People’s honeymoon period with their dishwasher ends when failures start. Cleaning failures are accepted as a fact! To prevent high numbers of failures, pre-treatment habits (pre-scrubbing, pre-soaking & rinsing before loading their pans in the machine) are accepted by as an unquestioned part of life.These habits & beliefs needed to be broken. That's why we've introduced Fairy Platinum Plus with built in pre-wash system! Featuring Katarzyna Dowbor
TVC Poland
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Youtube 6" Pre-roll: Revealer
Youtube 6" Pre-roll
Fairy dishwashing liquid / Celebrity: Katarzyna Dowbor
From believing that cheaper products are a better value for money, to realizing that in fact, with Fairy's concentrated formula
you can clean up to 50% more dishes without the need to re/overdose!
TVC Poland